
Book Index - The Making of a Mountain Community: a Biographical Dictionary of the Springwood District

Abercromy, Ida Laura; Abercromby/Abercrombie, Ralph,
Aberline, Margaret Amelia
Acquerone, Maurice
Adams, Frederick & Margaret
              Mary Ann & Susan
Adamson, James Moyes & Ivy
Ainsworth, Mary Helen (nee Broadley)
Aitken, Alice
             John McKelvie & Stella Marie
Aitkens, Robert
Alcock, E.A. & T.M.
Aldridge, Alf & Lillian May
Alexander, H.H.G.
Alldrit, Kate E.
Allen, Arthur Wigram (son of Sir Wigram Allen)
Allen, Edward & Sarah
Allen, Sir George Wigram Allen
Allen, George & Alice
Allen, Hodgson (Licensee Welcome Inn 1858-1860)
Allen, William (Springwood's first official postmaster 1892)
Allison, Juanita (married John "Jack" Maddock)
             Matthew & Ethel M.
Alston, John & Edith
Anderson, Henry Charles Lennox (examiner Dept. Public Instruction etc.)
                 Lachlan & Minnie
                 Robert & Mary (school teacher)
Andrews, ?
                 Mrs. F.E.
Anforth, Joseph
               Belle, Vic & Edric
Anstey, George & Dorothy
Arnott family (biscuits)
Arrowsmith, John
Ashcroft, Edward James & Eliza
Ashdown, C.C.
Aspinall, Arthur Ashwood
Anstill, Arthur & Rosetta
Astridge, F.W.

Badgery, H.S.
Badley, James William & Mary
Bailey, W.R.
Baldwin, Edgar Jesse & Olive
               Herbert John & Helen
               James Terrence
Banks, George & Christy
Barbour, William jnr.
Bardsley, Ernest & Annie (nee Rabone)
Barlass, Mrs.
Barlow, Miss
Baron, Dudley
Barrett, Walter Thomas
Barry-Cotter, L.F. or F.L?
Barton, Henry & Nora
             John & Emily
Bates, Daniel
            Denis & Martha
            William & Susan
Baum, Dinah
           Henry & Olive
Baxter, Ernest Joel (Doctor)
            James & Mary
            James Henry & Elizabeth
Baynes, Richard B.
Beattie, R.G.
Beavis, L.
Bech, Axel & Mary Ann (city businessman & nephew of Gustav Larsen)
Beeby, Edward Augustus & family, solicitors, politicians etc.
Beetham, C.
Belbyn, Frederick Bertram
Bell, Tobias & Elizabeth
Bemet, Mary
Benmore (see Benoit)
Bennett, Albert Edward
              Mrs. A.
              Edwin S. & Phoebe
Bennie, William & Elsie
Benoit, Alexander & family
Benson, Solomon
Bentley, Alice Lillian & William
              Ethel M.
Berne, Dagmar (first female to enrol in Medical Faculty Sydney Uni)
            Fredericka & Nicoline (private venture school Springwood)
Berry, Robert John Wittenten
Bethune, William & Minnie
Bignell, Kathleen
Bilton, Mrs. ? (boarding house keeper 'Clearview' Faulconbridge)
Bishop, S.W. (licensee Oriental Hotel 1908)
Blackett, Naomi Louisa & Eileen Louisa
Blackman, Davis
Blackmore, John
Bligh, E.A.R.
Bluhdorn, Albert & Alice Maude (shopkeeper)
Blunt, J.E.
Blythe (Chair of Australian Red Cross pre 1920s)
Boland, Madeline (daughter of Thomas)
Booker, Joseph George & Phyllis (Joe artist studied under Julian Ashton; Phyllis was hairdresser)
Borthwick, Alexander (paint & varnish manufacturer)
Boucher, Fannie
Bowditch, D.
Bowen, Narelle (nee Hunter)
Bowles, Richard
Boxell, James Frederick
Boyles, William (acquired Valley & Weatherboard Inns Geoffrey Eagar purchased property 1870)
Bradbury, Ernest Campbell (chemist shop proprietor Springwood)
Bradford, Florence Hutchinson (Church of England Grammar School for Girls Springwood 1924)
Bradley, Ernest Wilson & Estelle (nee Allison)
Brady, Elizabeth (pupil teacher in time of Robert Anderson)
            John & Julia
Braham, David
Bramball, Elizabeth Ellen
Bramsen, Bessie Irvine
Brandon, Frank (licensee of Oriental Hotel 1891)
               Gordon (molasses merchant Sydney c1940s)
Brauer, Rev. E.H.J. (St Columba's College 1924)
Breen, Mrs. J. (boarding house keeper 'Euchora' 1930s)
Brennand, Lancelot Iredale (Superintendent of Colonial Stores)
                Lancelot Percy (clerk Revenue Branch)
Brett, Edwin & Charlotte Rosina
Britten, E.H. & Rev. Henry H.
Broadley, Ronald (Commercial artist for Bulletin)
Broderick, Alexander Arnold
Brooks, Isabella Australia
Brophy, Mrs. (guesthouse 'Chiron' c1930s)
Brotherton, W.H. (licensee of Valley Inn 1831)
Broughton, Frederick (Union Bank of Australia Ltd. & Cattell & Co. wine and spirit merchants)
Brown, Harold Thomas
            John (boarding house keeper 'Southall' 1925)
            Mary Ann (licensee of Royal Hotel 1886-1888)
Bryce, Charles Albert
Buckland, Sir Thomas & Mary
Bull, Ernest S.
Bullock, Howard (Doctor & Surgeon c1920s)
Bunyan, Eric Thomas & Wilfred
Burns, James (Burns Road Springwood named for him)
Burrows, H.
Busby, Charlie
Buswell, Nicoline (see Berne; sold cottage 'Genesta' to Charles Rosenthal)

Cahusac, Arthur Frederick (boys private venture college Springwood c1891)
Calman, Walter
Cansdell, Ernest William & Charlotte (built Banool c1908; business venture with politician Austin Chapman)
Cantrell, Thomas W.
Carew, Oscar (shopkeeper)
Carroll,W.J. (headmaster Springwood Public School c1905)
Carson, Brian & Jill (Brian policeman, Jill shopkeeper)
Casey, Mr. ? (shopkeeper)
Cass, George (politician in time of Sir Henry Parkes; newspaper proprietor)
Castley, Arthur (purchase 'Lask' from David Rogalsky; partner in firm E.D. McMahon grain & chaff
Cavanagh/Cavanough, W.T.
Chadwick, W.
Chalmers, Hugh & Clara (Chalmers & O'Leary Oil & Colour Merchants)
Champion, Charles & Mary (retainer of Sir Henry Parkes)
Chapman, Michael Nason (City Alderman and one-time Mayor c1870s; oil and colour merchant)
                  Austin & Catherine (Austin Postmaster General 1905 Deakin & Watson government; House of
                  Charles Radford (Civil servant)
                  Miss H.C.
                  William & Ada
Chaseling, R.A. ('Nyora' Plaeau Road; Chaseling Avenue may have been named for him?)
Cheadle, W.G.(Manager Bank of NSW c1930s)
Choquenot, Edmund (licensee of Oriental Hotel 1897)
Church, Thomas W. & Doris
Chute, Mrs. (cottage 'Kurrajong' Faulconbridge)
Clarendon, Frederick & Frances (retired grazier)
Clarke, Raymond & Ruby (cottage 'Yarrawonga;' shopkeepers c1940s)
              Mrs. A.F. (cottage 'Silvan Dale')
              Judith (cottage 'The Bungalow;' attended Springwood Ladies College as child)
              Matthew (licensee of Welcome Inn the Valley c1866)
              R.J. or J.R? (magistrate for Springwood district c1930s
Clay, James W & Mary Agnes (gardener for Charles Moore)
Claydon, Rev.E. (Minister of Christ Church 1899-1903)
Cliff, John William (Accountant; owned property Weemala 1889)
Cohen, William & family (William city solicitor)
Cole, George
           Sydney Arthur & Mary (horse drawn hire service)
Colless, Vivian (shopkeeper)
Collins, John
Cook, I.C. (cottage 'Bonnie Doon'  c1933)
Coombes, Miss Ruby (postmistress Faulconbridge 1918)
Cooper, Ray (small good business 1930s)
Copperwaite, Charlie
Corbin, James Bentley
Cordingley, W.K.
Corlette, Rev. James C. (sons educated at Hawkesbury Ag. College)
Cowdery, Edward Henry (brother-in-law of William Smith Deane)
Cox, Major S. (Rifle range)
         William George & Vera (Worked for Joynton Smith Trust)
Coyle, Thomas & Bridget (Early residents)
            Jack (Lyrebird breeder)
Craig, William (licensee Oriental Hotel 1924)
Cranswick, Rev. Edward (Rector Christ Church 1885 fell our with Charles Moore church benefactor)
Cregan, Father Patrick Charles (Rector St Columba's Seminary 1909)
Crick, H.T.
Critchley, Margaret (Matron 'Karkoola' hospital (cottage presently known as 'Southall')
Critchlow, Sid & Jack (Mixed fruit and grocery business Springwood)
Crooks, John
Cross, R.
Croucher, William (caretaker for Ald. Michael Nason Chapman)
                  Elizabeth ( postmistress 1918)
Crowther,  Miss (fancy goods business Springwood 1930s)
Cummins, P.J. or J.P (licensee of Royal Hotel 1888)
Curry, Charles

Dabron, John
Daly, Terence
Daly, Margaret M & Morah
Daniels, Arthur (licensed plumber)
Daniels, F.
Daniels, Walter Wallis & Daisy (lived in Jasper Hall?)
Darken, Mrs. (CWA)
Darvell, Mr. (Orchard)
Dash, Mrs. Eleanor (teacher)
Davenport, Jean (nee Adamson Postmistress Faulconbridge)
Davenport, J.T.
Davies, Wynne (illustrator for Women's Weekly & councillor)
Davis, Edwin Henry & Ellen
Davis, Alfred Charles & Mary Elizabeth
Davis, Theodophilous
Davoren, John Michael MLC
Davoren, Stephen T.
Dawes, William
Dawson, Alexander Robertson & Margaret (worked for Stewart Dawson)
Dawson, David Stewart (jeweller & owner of part of Strand Arcade & Ambassadors Night Club)
Dawson, Minnie Rosalie
Dawson, Olive
Dawson, Richard
Dawson, Thomas Robert & Muriel Jane
Dawson, W. (Upton Valley Heights)
Dawson, William R.
Dayman, Richard Ian
Deane, Alice
Deane, Edward Kenneth (school principal Blue Mountains Grammar Springwood)
Deane, William
             Charles Muzio etc.
Debenham, Rev. John Willmott & Edith
Deemer, William & Adelaide
Degotardi, John Campbell (real estate agent)
De Larcey-Cormack, Charles
De Lissa, Ethel & Osborne/Oscar
Dempster, Rev. H.A.  (Christ Church)
Denshire, Mrs. J.
Dethmers, Jacob & Louisa Mary
Dickenson, Thomas
Dickenson, John
Dickson, C.
Dickson, John
Dickson, W.T. junior
Dilworth, Thomas & Helen (butcher & gardener)
Dodd, Henry Hayes Moyes & Emily
Donges, H.
Donnelly, John Henry (Roselin)
Donnison, Gertrude
Donohue, James (Stationmaster)
Dooley, John
Dowling, Barry (Policeman)
Downey, Robert
Drake, David & Florence (Egroeg)
Drummond, John
Duff, Gordon
Duggin, Henry C.
Duncan, J.L.H.
Duncan, Samuel & Elizabeth Ann
Dunford, Frederick & Eliza
Dunstan, R.E.
Durand, Mademoiselle Mignon Eugenie & her mother Jean
Durham, Adelaide
Durham, Matron Sophie
Dwyer, Julia
Eager, Geoffrey & Mary Anne
Ecclestone, Margaret Catherine
Echardt, Aaron & Sarah Ann
Edwards, Alfred
Edwards, Earnest Arthur
Edwards, Eric Edmund
Edwards, James Lewis (Wyoming & Karkoola)
Edwards, Margaret
Eeg family
Egan, J.
Elder, Gwen & Jean
Ellis, Edmund William & Emily
Ellis,  John
Ellis, Thomas William & Eleanor Mary
Ellison, John Thomas
Elliston, Edward & Sarah
Elly, L.
Elphinstone, S.
Else-Mitchell, Rae
Englisch, Mrs. Annie May
Evans, George
Evans, James D.
Evenden, James
Everett, William & Adie
Ewens, John Daniel & Mary Ann (Chatsworth)
Ewing, Sir Thomas Thompson MLA & Margaret
Ewington, Emily Catherine & William

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