
Friday, November 30, 2012

Euroka Clearing Glenbrook

Sir Francis Forbes, according to information supplied by Doug Knowles (Glenbrook Historical Society) applied for a grant of land that would have included - what today is known as – Euroka Clearing at Glenbrook.  However, Forbes was unsuccessful in gaining the 500 acres he required for grazing and instead received some 355 acres that encompassed - the present day – Lapstone estate.  Euroka remained Crown Land until 1954 when the NPWS incorporated the property into the Blue Mountains National Park.
Nevertheless, Forbes was granted a lease over the property in 1835, paying an annual rent of £10.  After Forbes relinquished the lease in 1865 the following were subsequent leaseholders.

                                                          Date   Term

2. Edward Wrench                                1870  6 months

3. John Rayner & William Tindale           1870    

4. William & Lucy Wagstaff & John Harris1876    

5. Charles Edwards                              1881  3 months

6. David Barnett                                   1881  2 years

7. Edward Jones                                  1883  7 years

 8. John Smith                                     1890  18 years

9. Herbert Jones                                  1908  14 years

10. James Venn                                   1922  2 years

11. Albert Bennett                                1924  30 years

Wheat was grown on the property in the time of John Rayner who had a mill at Emu Plains.
It would seem that mining exploration took place on the property at various times because the Nepean Times reported 27.9.1884 (page 2) - when Edward Jones was the lessee - that exploration of the land hoped to find coal, shale oil. 

Albert Bennett, the last lessee, was the son and one of a large brood of children born to Henry and Elizabeth (nee Clatworthy).  The Bennett family operated a boating business on the Nepean River and owned 'Riverside', the one-time 'Riverside Hotel' previously owned by the Wilson family of hotelkeepers.(Nepean Times 1.1.1910)  Henry, who died in 1910, was the brother of James and William Bennett of St Marys. Henry was born in England.(Nepean Times 4.6.1910)  Elizabeth died at 'Riverside' in 1921. (Nepean Times 17.12.1921)
On the 20th August 1898 the Nepean Times newspaper reported that hundreds of people who lined the banks of the Nepean River, anxious to witness the launch of Henry Bennett's steam launch "Warragamba,"  were disappointed because a log - a relict of the old punt road - delayed the launching until the following day. (Nepean Times 20.8.1898)  It was also reported that according to the wishes of the Temperance section of the community, water rather than champagne, was used for the christening of the launch.
Various newspaper reports attest to the fact that Bennett - in order to cope with the increasing river traffic - added pleasure boats to his large fleet and that the boats were locally made in his boat shed premises.  The boats were made from locally grown timber - like cedar grown at Monkey Creek - and water gum procured from the banks of the Nepean River. (Nepean Times 18.12.1897)  
When Albert Bennett took up the lease of Euroka it is thought  he built a residence and orchard in the vicinity of what was called Apple Tree Flat. He kept on the family business and is said to have used the river to move timber and produce down river to Penrith.  Picnic parties were held at his farm where visiting guests imbibed spirits distilled by their host while playing games of two-up.  Over indulgence at one of these parties may have caused the drowning of Thomas Hemsworth - reported in the Nepean Times 1.12.1914 (page10) – when he was swimming in the river with two other men.  Albert Bennett went to his rescue but failed in his attempt to resuscitate the man.
This was not an isolated event however because several other drownings were reported by the Nepean Times newspaper.  Albert Bennett took part in the magisterial enquiry held into the drowning of William Everleigh Terrill reported in the Nepean Times 30.12.1898.  It may have been these unfortunate deaths that had caused Albert Bennett to start up a swimming class for boys and youths. (Nepean Times 4.12.1897)
Bennett also grew strawberries and grain crops like sorghum and maize. In fact a football picnic held in 1898 collected ferns and flowers and tasted the "lovely strawberries" from Mr. Bennett's plantation at the Basin and danced on board the new launch as they made their homeward journey. (Nepean Times 17.9.1898) 

Nepean River

It seems the Bennett family provided both commercial and tourist steam boat service on the Nepean well into the 20th Century. Albert Bennett also ran a cargo business that moved men and materials to and from the first site of Warragamba Dam. (Was the dam named for Henry Bennett's steam launch?)  Use of supply boats was greatly improved when Bennett blasted a cart track along Euroka Creek to the junction of the river.  

                                             Warragamba Catchment

Albert Bennett, who died in 1954, is known to have been involved with the Blue Mountains Old Guard paramilitary movement and the Whitney Pastoral Company (an division of Cobb and Co.) 

Penrith City Council local studies hold biographical information about Henry Bennett and family.

Pamela Smith
Information supplied by Doug Knowles (Glenbrook Historical Society)
Various issues of the Nepean Times
Andrew Moore, Superintendent Mackay And The Curious Case Of The Vanishing Scret Army, a response to Richard Evans, History Australia, Vol. 6, no. 3, 2009, p. 72.3.
Research by the author into Blue Mountains branch of the Old Guard paramilatary
BMCC image collection



Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Blue Mountains Association of Cultural Heritage Organisations Inc.

The Blue Mountains Association of Cultural Heritage Organisations Inc. have recently launched their new/revamped website. Available are digital newsletters and journals that provide a veritable wealth of information about the history of the Blue Mountains area as well as points of contact, links and various news and events. The site is well worth a visit.

The website address is

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

World War One - Photography

A story related to Springwood Historians recently suggested that soldiers serving overseas in World War One were deprived of recording their experiences in photographs.  However, an advertisement in a newspaper and subsequent research has revealed that Australian and indeed British soldiers were entitled to take a 'small personal camera' with them on active service.(1)

An article in the Photographic Collection of The First World War Poetry Digital Archive confirmed three main categories of photographers during World War One; official, press and amateur.  Official photographers - like Charles Bean - were given commissioned status and documented the conflict at home and on the Western fronts.  However, even though photographs were distributed broadly in newspapers and in propaganda material and provided official military records they were still subject to military and civilian censorship. 

Press photographers had a degree of freedom in Egypt and Mesopotamia but rigorously restricted in places like the Western Front.(2) While restricted, these photographs provide evidence of the growing participation of civilians - especially women - and are a valued social history and military resource.

The photographs of the amateur photographer are no less valuable because they provide other visualisations of military life, however, how much or little they portrayed depended on the where they were stationed and the view of their commanding officers.(3) It would appear that Australian soldiers may have taken the Kodak Vest Pocket camera and an advertisement of the day implied that it was simple to use and required no skill or prior knowledge of photography. (4)  The advert suggested it weighed 9 ounces, was made for rough use and most importantly would not rust.

Limitations of the equipment then available limited the quality of the photographs.  Nevertheless, they are an important and extraordinary birds eye account of the conflict and the individual experience.
Pamela Smith
1. Oxford University, The First World War Poetry Archive, The Photographic Collection,, accessed 23.10.2012.
2. ibid.
3. Unidentified article, What Every Soldier Needs - the Vest Pocket Kodak.
4. ibid.
Other resources
Camerapedia, Vest Pocket Kodak,, accessed 23.10.2012.
Photographs: Google Images


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Early Residents - John Rae

Rae, who was born in Scotland in 1813, was the son of a banker. He had been educated at Aberdeen Grammar School and later went on to study at the University of Aberdeen. Articled to a solicitor, he later continued his literary interests and law studies in Edinburgh. After deciding to migrate to Australia he joined the firm of North British Australasian Loan and Investment Co. He arrived in 1843 aboard the Kinnear. Unfortunately for Rae the firm was almost broke by the time he arrived.
He married Elizabeth Thompson in 1854 and the couple made a home at Darlinghurst. Rae was the Town Clerk of Sydney in 1851, and together with Charles Cowper, he sought an investigation into the state of the Council. He supported the setting up of a select committee that appointed three commissioners: G. Eliot, F.O. Darvall and Rae himself. However charges of mismanagement and neglect saw the Legislative Assembly dismiss the commissioners and restore the Council to a corporation in 1857.
John Rae watercolour of George Street Sydney
Rae travelled overseas and was a noted educationalist, photographer, and amateur artist, painting for his own pleasure. Rae was also a director of the Australian Gaslight Co. and owner of the People’s Palace. The 1875 Sands Directory refers to Mr John Rae as being the Under Secretary of Public Works and Railways, while the 1882 Gibbs and Shallard directory mentions the residence of J. Rae at Valley Heights. This may very well have been the cottage Tusculum, as the index mentions that it was one of the principal residences then existing in Valley Heights. Other residences mentioned were those of I. Brennand, W. Deane, W. Dawson (Upton), and Mrs Berne.
The Valley Heights property had first been acquired by Mr T.R. Smith under conditional purchase, but in later years was bought by Rae. Clarence Radford Chapman, a civil servant, together with Lancelot Percival Brennand, whose address was care of the Treasury, purchased the property when Rae died in 1900.
In 1882 the Nepean Times reported that a discovery of silver had been found in the mountains. The article went on to say that the peculiar discovery had been made on the property of Mr John Rae by a pig rooting around in a paddock close to the homestead. A search of the area revealed Spanish dollars dated as old as 1804, bearing the heads of Ferdinand and Carolus. Amongst the hoard of coins was also a ‘colonial holey dollar’, a five-shilling Bank of England and four lion shillings dated 1826. The paper stated that the mystery was unlikely to be solved, since judging by the dates on the coins they had probably been buried for some fifty years.
Article from Biographical Dictionary of the Springwood District
Pamela Smith

Early Residents - Signor Achille Simonetti


The Nepean Times (15 August 1894) mentioned that Simmonetti, who was an eminent sculptor, had commenced operations on his land facing the Western Road nearly opposite Mr M. Chapman. He had erected a room on the property prior to building his cottage and had also been busy planting some vines.

It is likely that the Signor was in fact Achille Simonetti who was born in Rome in 1838 and died at his home at Birchgrove in March 1900. He was the son of Louis, also a sculptor, under whom he trained. He was educated at the Accademia Nazionale di San Luca and  migrated firstly to Brisbane and moved to Sydney by 1874. Simonetti established a large studio at Balmain and worked on St. John’s College within the University of Sydney.

During the period 1874–80, he won many prestigious awards and travelled overseas and interstate to exhibit. In London he exhibited a bust at the Royal Academy of Arts. He was befriended by Sir Saul Samuel and soon became the most fashionable sculptor in Sydney.

Simonetti received many commissions like the one (photographed above) from Sir Henry Parkes to construct a monument to Governor Phillip that would be sited in the Botanic Gardens. The cost of the piece was to be £10,000 and it was to be completed by 1893. After several delays the work was completed and unveiled in June 1897. Unfortunately, the fifteen-foot statue of Phillip and his companions was unfavourably received. Although talented and productive, Simonetti’s estate was valued at only £529 when he died in 1900. He died of heart disease at the age of 62.

The Art Gallery of NSW, the Legislative Council and the University of Sydney all hold examples of his work.

Article from Biographical Dictionary of the Springwood District
* It is likely that Simonetti was responsible for the statues that once graced Michael Nason Chapman's garden at Faulconbridge.  These were discovered in recent years by the owners of Phoenix Lodge.  One is thought to be the bust of General Gordon
Pamela Smith



Friday, October 5, 2012

Dr Herbert Michael ‘Paddy’ Moran and “Santa Chiara” Springwood



At the presentation dinner held to award the first ever Rugby Olympic Gold Medal in Britain in 1908 Dr Herbert Moran replied to a toast by Sir G. Rowland Hill.  Moran declared that - even though the Australians were delighted with their reception - it was unfortunate because when they decided to enter the contest ‘they hoped that they would conquer or be conquered by the best teams in the world.’ [1]  South Africa and New Zealand declined to take part and France – unable to raise a representative team – pulled out at the last minute.[2]
Moran (1885-1945) was born at Darlington Sydney was the second son of Irish-born baker, Michael Moran and his Australian-born wife Annie nee Quain.  He attended Darlington Public School, St Aloysius’ College Surry Hills and briefly, St Joseph’s College Hunters Hill before moving on to attend the University of Sydney.[3]  He played Rugby for a Rose Bay club and the university before representing New South Wales against Queensland in 1906.[4]   The following year Moran was resident medical officer at the Royal Newcastle Hospital.  In 1908, he captained the first Wallabies tour of Britain from which that first Rugby Olympic team had been selected.[5]  It has been said that Moran helped to shape future Rugby captains.
Plagued by injury, Moran played in an unsuccessful Test against Wales and at the completion of the series, took his F.R.C.S. in Edinburgh and worked in hospitals in London and Dublin. Returning to Sydney, Moran practised at Balmain and later in Macquarie Street.  He married Eva Mann at St Mary’s Cathedral in April 1914 before returning to Britain in 1915 to join the Royal Army Medical Corps. 
Eva was one of several children born to James E Mann and wife Flora nee Farrall.   The Mann family arrived in Springwood c1891 and initially leased a property at Faulconbridge.  It is evident that the family followed the Catholic faith because in 1892 Mrs Mann, a church member, very kindly placed her carriage at the disposal of the Roman Catholic Church so that dignitaries could tour the district.  The family reappear in June 1894 when Silva Plana became their home for the winter. However they left the area in August of the same year to take up residence at their new  estate at Mt Wilson.  The Mann family subsequently owned both Denarque and Yengo.   Silva Plana reserve at Mount Wilson was so named in fond memory of the Springwood residence and donated by Esmey Mann, Eva’s sister.[6]
Moran, already a captain in the Australian Medical Corps, served as a lieutenant at number 23 Stationary Hospital, Indian Expeditionary Force in Mesopotamia before returning to Sydney in 1916 then worked as an honorary surgeon at St Vincent’s Hospital.[7]  G.P. Walsh, in The Australian Dictionary of Biography, stated that Moran had a notable surgical career specialising in cancer research and the use of ‘gamma irradiation through the medium of metallic radium.’[8]  Leading the field in the new technique, Moran travelled widely, published journal articles on the subject and studied and lectured in most parts of the world.[9]  For example, in 1927 he spent almost a year at the cancer research centre in Paris.  Moran used this accumulated knowledge at the Royal Price Alfred, Lewisham and Royal North Shore and Prince Henry Hospitals when he was honorary consultant and honorary radium therapist in the 1930s.  Highly respected in his field, Moran was a fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine London, the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and St John’s College at the University of Sydney.[10]
In 1924 Moran purchased lots 4, 5, 6, and 7 from the Springwood Brick and Tile Company.  The property, although now reduced in size, formed the corner section along Hawkesbury Road and what then was known as Charles Street (now Silva Road). The property was originally part of John Frazer’s Silva Plana Estate, which was subdivided c1920–2. During that same year, Dr Moran set about building the cottage ‘Santa Chiara,’ which has been located there ever since. [11]
It is thought that Moran’s fascination with all things Italian is likely to have influenced the naming of his cottage in Springwood as Santa Chiara was an ancient citadel located in Naples.[12]  He spoke Italian, French and German and was a life member and president of the Dante Alighieri Art and Literary Society Sydney and deputy president of the Modern Language Association.[13]  Founded in Rome in 1889 by Nobel Prize winning poet Giosuè Carducci, the Dante Alighieri Society today still promotes the appreciation and understanding of Italian language and culture worldwide.  The Sydney Society is one of 450 operating internationally, and encompasses one of the most prestigious Italian language schools in the country.[14]  Moran was also responsible for initiating Italian studies at the University of Sydney.    
 In 1931 he was awarded the Paul Poselli Medal for Italian literature.  Moran wrote several medical books, but his autobiography, Viewless Winds: Being the Reflections and Digressions of an Australian Surgeon, written in 1939, is regarded as his finest work.  Other works include Letters from Rome: An Australian’s View of the Italio-Abyssinian Question (1936), Viewless Winds (London 1939), Beyond the Hill Lies China (Sydney 1945), My Fashion (London 1946).  Walsh suggested that Moran’s books display considerable literary talent.[15]
Although his politics are unknown, in 1932 Moran interviewed Signor Mussolini. Moran, somewhat impressed by the leader, was to alter that opinion later.  Moran received the honour of Knight Commander of the Order of the Crown of Italy and the Chevalier of St Maurice and St Lazarus.
Moran retired from medical practise in 1935 and a rift in his marriage may have caused him to revisit Italy.  Santa Chiara was let and in 1936 a caretaker was put in charge by the Perpetual Trustee Company who administered the property while Moran was overseas.  Later he went to England to lobby political leaders in an attempt to mend the breakdown of Anglo-Italian relations but without success.  Although Moran offered his services to the Italian government at the outbreak of the war in Abyssinia, for the greater part of the Second World War, he was President of the military boards at Colchester military hospital.  He earned the rank of lieutenant colonel in the Royal Australian Military Corps.
Fortunately Moran reconciled with his wife before he died at Cambridge, England in 1945.  He never returned to his mountain home.  Ironically, the cause was a malignant melanoma.  Wife Eva and son Professor Patrick Moran survived, and the family remained owners of the property in Springwood until at least 1946.  At that time Miss Ada F. Moran of Coogee retained lots 4 and 5.

[1] Rugby in the Olympics, 1908 London Olympics, olympics/history.htm,
  accessed 8.9.2012.
[2] G.P. Walsh, Moran, Herbert Michael (1885-1945), Australian Dictionary of Biography online, National Centre
  of Biography, Australian National University,
[3] Walsh
[4] Walsh.
[5] Walsh.
[6] Springwood Historians, The Making Of A Mountain Community: A Biographical Dictionary of the Springwood District, Springwood Historians, 2001, p. 221.
[7] Walsh.
[8] Walsh.
[9] Walsh.
[10] Walsh.
[11] Springwood Historians, The Making Of A Mountain Community...pp. 233-234.
[12] Walsh noted that Moran was haunted  by the art, letters and antiquities of Italy and the majestic history of Rome and the Renaissance.
[13] Walsh.
[14] Dante Alighieri Society, Sydney,, accessed 8.9.2012.
[15] Walsh.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

History Conference - Colonial Society and Beyond

Blue Mountains Association of Cultural Heritage Organisations Inc. (BMACHO)
will hold its inaugural history conference "Colonial Society and Beyond" at the Carrington Hotel Katoomba Saturday20th October 2012.
Official Opening; Professor Ian Jack
Speakers: Paul Ashton - (Public History UNSW)
                 Glynis Jones - Textile and costume archivist Powerhouse Museum
                 Silas Clifford-Smith - Historian and horticulturist
                 Jill Roe - Academic and author
                 Paul Innes - Carrington Hotel Historian
                 Musical interlude provided by Jim Low
Registration: $45 (early bird until 20th August)
                      $50 thereafter
Registration  includes morning and afternoon tea and lunch in Grand Dining Room

Thursday, August 2, 2012

World War One Monuments - Harold Kenneth Campbell Monument

Harold Kenneth Campbell, aged 19 years and 5 months, enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force on 29th June 1915.  His parents gave their written consent saying he had “been raised to fight for his King & Country”.  His father, James Spink Campbell, of “Beverley”, Blaxland, was named as next of kin.  Harold’s occupation was poultry farmer and James was a civil servant.

Harold fought at Pozieres as a Private in the 3rd Battalion, sustained gunshot wounds to his knee and leg and died as a result of his wounds in the General Hospital, Rouen, on 2nd August 1916.  He is buried at St Sever Cemetery, Rouen.

On 22nd October the Blaxland Progress Association requested permission to erect a Soldier’s Memorial at the intersection of Railway Parade and Station Street, Blaxland (that is on the north side of the Railway Station) opposite the station in full view of passengers in passing trains.  Permission was granted.  It was to be a stone or granite pedestal with a machine gun mounted on top.  The monument was unveiled in 1925 with about 200 people assembled. Councillor Wilson made a speech in which he said that it would “stand for ever as a beacon for the boys of the future to do their duty as the fallen hero had done his”.  The machine gun was one of a number of German guns seized in France.  The monument was unveiled by Major General Sir Charles Rosenthal, a local highly decorated soldier.  Councillor Wilson took the opportunity to collect donations to finish paying for the cost of the memorial.

In 1926 the Great Western Highway on the south side of the railway station was proclaimed as a Main Road and superseded Mitchell’s Pass as the main western road.  It was decided to move the monument to Blaxland Park, a small park opposite Blaxland Public School and between the Highway and the Railway line.  In 2001 the Blue Mountains City Council requested and received permission from the Minister for Land and Water Conservation to rename the park the Blaxland War Memorial Park.  Barbara Higginson had lobbied for this renaming and had been supported by the Blaxland and District Chamber of Commerce & Industry Inc. who commented:
“The war memorial is a significant part of the history of Blaxland and the Chamber of Commerce are mindful of the importance of the memorial and the park to the township and the residents.”

In the 1980s when the Highway was widened the monument was again moved and is now stranded on a narrow strip of land between the overhead bridge on Wilson Way and the Highway where it is difficult if not impossible to access.  The park is also difficult if not impossible to access.

Over the years the plaque(s) and the gun on the monument have disappeared and the Blaxland – Glenbrook RSL Sub Branch who have assumed a de facto ownership of it have, with the help of the Blue Mountains City Council, organised restoration and refurbishment, replacing the plaque and repairing the little fence at the base.

Springwood Historians have considered the possibility of moving the memorial to Glenbrook and make the following recommendations:
      a move to a more accessible site would be desirable. 
    the move should be to another site in Blaxland as the monument is an important part of Blaxland history. An excellent position would be the Blaxland Mall which would provide easy access and space for holding memorial ceremonies
     a move to Glenbrook should not be made without consulting:
a.       any surviving family by advertising in the press
b.      the Blaxland Chamber of Commerce
c.       the general Blaxland community

We thought it was quite unusual for a World War I memorial to be erected for a single fallen soldier.  Honour Boards and Monuments in the Blue Mountains were erected in memory of numbers of men (and a few women).  Perhaps Harold was the only Blaxland man who enlisted.  Four other men, born in Blaxland, were located in the World War I Nominal Roll; two enlisting in Cootamundra, one in Lithgow and one in Sydney, but nothing further is known about them.   Blaxland was a very small township and Harold would have been quite well known locally.  His parents, James and Edith, and sister, Edith, lived in a house called “Beverley” which was situated where the Blaxland Arcade now is.  The house was named after James’ family home or rather property in Boorowa, NSW.

James and Edith were active community and Church workers.  James was treasurer of the Urban Area and Progress Association for many years and he and Edith were strong supporters of St Davids Church of England in Taringha Street.  They donated the block of land on which the Church Hall was built and they set up a Memorial to their son in the Church.  Unfortunately the church was destroyed in the 1968 bushfires.
James could claim a very interesting and prestigious pedigree.  His maternal grandfather was Rowland Hassall, an early colonial preacher and farmer.  His paternal great great grandfather, William Campbell, was a colourful sea captain who owned a ship called the “Harrington”.  He had trade connections with John Macarthur and settled in Australia after receiving a land grant of 2000 acres near Camden.  He named his property, “Harrington Park", and there is now a suburb with this name.  The homestead still stands and is being restored.  The Fairfax family are thought to have been the last private owners.

The Hassall and Campbell family members married into other well known colonial families including the Antills (Captain Henry Antill was Governor Macquarie’s ADC) of “Jarvisfield”, Picton. They also frequently married cousins so their family tree is scattered with the Campbell and Hassall surname.

James Spink Campbell was married twice, first to Gertrude Williams of Yass.  She gave birth to a son, William Douglas Adye Campbell in 1883 and died in the same year.  James married Edith Deacon at Ashfield in 1894 and they had two children – Harold and Edith.  Edith married John Back and they lived in Sydney for a time before moving back to live in “Beverley” in Blaxland in 1942.  They had three children, Josephine, Kenneth and Shirley. Kenneth became Vice Chancellor of James Cook University in Townsville.  He married Patricia Cummings, daughter of Regner Olaf Cummings, who was a noted tennis player during the Hopman era.  They currently reside in Queensland (see attached note).  After serving with the military forces in World War II, Josephine married Francis Clement Murray.  Shirley married veterinary surgeon Marcus Richard Edward Durand.

In the Hassall family tree on James’ second marriage and children are not recorded.  William, the son of his first marriage, is noted as the family historian.  He died in 1966.  Does this indicate a family disapproval of the second marriage?  We don’t know.

With his privileged family background and his position in the tiny Blaxland community he would have been well known and respected and his loss of a son would have been felt by all – hence the erection of a community memorial.

Report by Pamela Smith and Shirley Evans

Since this report was produced new information has come to hand.  Information was supplied by Davina Curnow, Beryl Madden and Doug Knowles from a meeting of the Glenbrook and District Historical Society meeting in June, when these points were discussed and agreed upon.
 * the monument was located on the south side of the railway station, which, at that time, was the central location of the small village.

* The monument has not been moved since it was relocated to Blaxland Park.  What has changed is the re-alignment of the Wilson Way overbridge to form the present-day intersection.  The Wilson Way Overbridge and the 1926 GWH originally intersected in line with Bridge Road, Blaxland and this intersection was distinguished by having a large Turpentine tree strategically and centrally placed to act as a "Silent Cop."  In the 1980s the overbridge was realigned to its present location which effectively alienated the monument with the greater section of the park.

* Until about 1958, the original fence was intact.  It was of 1" x 1" steel posts: 6 of them, all 3' high, with a 3/8" diameter link chain through a ring on top of each post.
* The chain was stolen about the time that safety chains on trailers were made compulsory.  Scrap-metal collectors then stole the posts and the bronze plaques.  The end ones were a  bas-relief style laurel wreath.
The original name plaque was, of course, the full size of the recess in the sandstone  monument.





Medical Practitioners - Dr J. Boyce Mugliston

 Dr Mugliston was a member of the Royal College of Surgeons (England) and had been locum tenens for Dr Spark in Katoomba. In November 1895 it was announced that he was coming to live in Greenheys where he would begin to practise and would dispense his own medicine. By December he and his family had arrived and he was ready to begin. Horse and buggy accidents soon gave him opportunities to show his skills. In 1898 the Muglistons moved out of Greenheys and into Edmundville.

Dr Mugliston was a community minded citizen and became one of the Vice Presidents of the Cricket Club in 1897. Unfortunately, he found the Springwood community too healthy and went to Cargo near Orange in 1898 with the idea of relocating there, leaving his family temporarily in Springwood. He only stayed a few days, as he did not like Cargo. He threw himself into the recreational life of the town, participating in debates and entertainments. He debated ‘Republicanism versus the Monarchy’ with Martin Olsen, being himself in favour of the monarchy. He and Olsen often found themselves on opposite sides of a debate. He also organised a burlesque from Dickens’ Pickwick Papers in which he took the part of the judge, Justice Starleigh. In 1899 he was elected to the committees of the Debating Club and the Social Club, and later in the year he was elected President of the Debating Club. When the two clubs amalgamated he was made President of the new club.

He was always happy to take the chair at meetings and functions and chaired a banquet at the Oriental Hotel given for Mr S.E. Lees, the local member. Martin Olsen was present at this function too and spoke a few eulogistic words in favour of Dr Mugliston, who did not know what he had done to deserve all the nice things Olsen said about him. He felt it must have been because Olsen was a foreigner, and hence given to flattery. He also said that he was always willing to assist in anything that would tend to the progress of the town.

In July 1901, he finally had to accept that there was not enough sickness in Springwood to support a doctor and announced he was leaving the district. In December he returned for a presentation at the Royal Hotel where he received an address and a handsome present of plateware. He had been practising at Neutral Bay.

Shirley Evans